A Poem in Olde English
A Poem in Olde English
O whan the wintre in Decembre’s nyght.
A manne and fere did yonder thru withe fryght.
They tarried thither in the mountane Geat
Whan herde hast they the snouring of the beaste.
The manne did durst him fere to tuche the Baer.
But fere did feare the pudh beasties pouaer.
So the manne trudged forth to sleeping thundre
And pet the Baer and broke the beasties slumbre.
It reared and rored and rambled it’s tinee cot.
Bothe manne and fere wer doomed for what they wrought.
In hope and mirsy did they veynely sot.
Yet Baer they see, and did they see naught.
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