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Father Christmas

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Voice of the Revolution

The depth of death lies with thee and thy lord; spring of doom held in caress and sorrow. I weep for day, I weep for the narrow, and every morning shine the lord’s dark swords. Strumming the cries of a hundred raged hordes, our song almost sung, our tunes on arrow, with voices here today,Read more

The Filipino Freedom

Bright as day, dark as night, being lives on. Wisdom and passion, thy soul cannot bear; Fervor blooms vivid, smoke fills the warm air — View has turned: fearful duck to fearless swan! Oh, joy! She clutches me hither and yon: Tightrope and trampoline raise me midair. Behold! The beauty of the unaware: Liberty toRead more


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God in heaven, peasant on earth, Clawing dirt for cheap gold, silent or whining. But on a day akin to the past, I cease to perspire and stand to rise again. On up, I climb: clutching, fumbling, walking, suffering, succeeding. Closer to the peak, the apex, I fly like Dante for freedom. O where artRead more

The Place of Great Meditation

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There is a place, a hidden place, Of artful perfection and masterful harmony. Towering trees enamour the fierce heavens As mountain ranges dance on the horizon, As heavy waves yonder kiss the burning coastlines, As one sits in the center, like a lotus, In a glade, a pasture, a space, ad infinitum, Chaliced with emptyRead more

Seal the Gates!

Hark and hasten, brothers, For Humanity is under siege! Arm yourselves and bear your shields. To the gates, good brothers, and ready your steel! By the neon gods, hither the Enemy comes. Brace yourselves, brothers, and defend Humanity!   The Fiends are striking at the Ears of Man, So seal them tight: Plug them up,Read more

My Name is Millions

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Interpellate or hail me, whichever act you choose, I will remain—I am remaining—symbolizing for you.   My name is Millions. My names are many. Call me an adjective, a verb, a lexicon, a curse. Or signify me as a tree, an industry, perhaps that Method of practice, or artifice of doctrine. In fact, say yourRead more

Bells on the Ivory Tower

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Hear the Angelus toll amidst discourse and ruckus, those who hear the consecutive high note to low note, On each half-hour of each old day, sonic hammerings for fifteen times to remind and remember the revenues and lanes.   When the clock strikes twelve (or one hand consistent on twelve, the other on any number),Read more